Meridian Home Inspector Finds Leak is Causing Damgage

Submitted by DavinStrand on Sun, 02/07/2010 - 19:31.

While doing a home inspection in Meridian water was noted along the carpet of the basement. This usually indicates the foundation wall is leaking through and causing damage, which was my first thought. With a moisture meter I followed the moisture inside the wall and discovered that the leak was actually coming from the bathroom above.

There was no signs of damage to the sheetrock besides a very small amount of bubbling on the paint. The leak was likely coming from the tub, because it was up against the outer wall. Water was leaking and running down the outer wall, hitting the concrete floor of the basement and soaking into carpet. A small amount of microbial contamination was noted under carpet, and likely more damage and microbial contamination behind the wall.

Recommend repairs to leak and examination of wall to clean up any possible damage. Watch the video for more information.

Submitted by DavinStrand on Sun, 02/07/2010 - 19:31.


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